Five Steps to go from Hobby to Business

For two years, I had a very expensive hobby of making cakes.

I knew that I was running more of an expensive hobby than a business. I wasn’t discouraged though because I knew there was a way I could make a change and create a business out of my passion.

Once I started approaching baking as a business instead of a passion project, I started seeing results.

I felt less overwhelmed and had more direction. Things became objective and not subjective, and I started making more money.

These steps can apply to any hobby, side hustle, or skill. You do NOT have to be a baker. My goal is to give you the tools to be successful in any arena, so let’s get these coins!




Being an entrepreneur can suck the life out of you! If you are not careful, your business will run you. You need to get CLEAR on what you want so that you can align everything with your goals.

The first step is to think about the business lifestyle you want to have.

Lifestyle is my first focus because we only have ONE life to live. Do you want your business to be your whole life? If your answer is no then you need to put your business in check from the beginning.

Here are some questions you should answer:

  • Do I want to work by myself? Small team? Or manage a lot of employees?
  • Do I want to be able to work from anywhere in the world or do I want to work with my local community?
  • Do I want a lot of customer interaction or do I want everything to be automated?
  • Do I want to offer an ongoing service or provide a one-time product for my customers to buy?


The answers to these questions can help you get clear on what you want and set you on the correct path to achieve your goals.

Put your business in check, before it checks you.




If you are offering products or services, look back at the last 6 months of work.

What service or products did people buy the most or least of? What video did people watch the most? What Instagram post did people share the most?

Whatever is working for you, do that more! If you are a chef and 95% of people are ordering lunch food, why the heck are you still offering breakfast?!

Do what makes you money. Don’t waste time and effort on things that bring little profit.




Find out what people want, then do it!

Be open to change. Sometimes our hobby is not in demand. But a similar skill, that can actually turn into a business, is in demand.

If newborn photoshoots are booming in your area and you are a photographer, then there you go! Dip your toes in the water and see what is going on. The most important part of researching is seeing what works for you and what doesn’t.

What better way to find out than to try?

In the beginning, two weeks of solid research is good enough because you don’t want to waste too much time researching without implementing your ideas. Read more on this in step 5…




It is 2020, everything is on the internet. You have NO excuse not to be an expert on your subject.

Online courses are a great way to learn on your own time and are offered at all different price ranges. Sometimes online classes are not your thing and you need more hands-on learning. If this is you then, find someone who is doing what you want to do and ask them if they can show you the ropes.

Don’t be afraid to talk to people, network, and ask for help when needed. The worst thing someone can do is say no and if they do, WHO CARES, just ask the next person.




Okay so you have gotten clear on the kind of business lifestyle you want, you have analyzed what is working for you, you have done your research, and you have increased your skill level. Now it’s time to implement it!

A business is only a business if it makes money.

Your ideas do not make money, but your actions can.

Get your butt out there and try things! If it doesn’t work, then try again. Don’t be shaken by whatever you perceive to be a failure.

Be bold and go make your money!

Michelle Addo Dankwa
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